Blood donation as a social practice. Scenario for AVIS to 2027
Futures studies, Delphi, Wellâ€Being, Social Inclusion, DonationAbstract
Scenario planning studies are an important CNR-Irpps research branch for about fifteen years. The innovative Delphi methodology developed by the Institute, and over time improved by the editor of this paper, has had several applications in national and international context. These research addressed different themes that concerned social, cultural, demographic and health aspects of the population. This paper presents the results of a Delphi study on blood donation in Italy - commissioned in 2016 by the Italian Voluntary Blood Association (AVIS) -, and outlines communicative and organizational strategies that will strengthen the practice of donating over the next ten years. In this innovative future scenario the concept of gift becomes synonymous with well-being, social inclusion, socialization.References
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